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Speech at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan (外国特派員協会における講演録)


白川 勝彦透明スペーサー


冒頭スピーチ | 公明党との連立に反対した理由 | 自民党を見限った理由 | 新党の理念 | 新党の展望
外国特派員協会講演会質疑応答 | Q & A at the Foreign Correspondent's Club

外国特派員協会で講演中の白川I am SHIRAKAWA, Katsuhiko. It is my great honor and pleasure to be invited here and make a speech as the leader of a new party without name. I am really grateful to you and would like to show my respect to all of you.

Now I said that I show my respect to you, because I respect your sense of journalist. As you know well, journalism in Japan, if any, I hope, pay much attention to a "fuss" and report it on a massive scale, pouring oil on the fire. But political events, unlike earthquakes or a surprise attack by a submarine, do not happen suddenly one day. Political events will occur by the challenges based on the elaborate preparations by some one. Of course, even somebody tries to challenge so many times, most of them do not produce results. I believe it is very important to watch such a small challenge in order to foresee politics.

It is easily understood by those who know about politics a little that my challenge this time is actually a real big "challenge". I am confident that my challenge will be successful. In fact, it is very interesting to watch the start-up of this challenge.

Why will my challenge succeed? There are three major reasons for it. First, LDP, New Komeito and Conservative Party coalition regime is a very vulnerable castle on the sands. Secondly, great majority of people wants to overthrow this regime. Thirdly, true experts of election in LDP have risen to topple the present coalition from power with opposition parties.

In June 1993, when LDP became an opposition party, many politicians left LDP. And in 1994, when LDP recovered the position of a ruling party, many politicians returned to LDP. But I am the first politician that abandoned LDP again in power and left it.

I believe many politicians will leave LDP in the near future and LDP will lose power in a few years. I hope Mr. KATO, Koichi will follow my path soon.

Now let me introduce myself a little.

I was born on June 22, 1945, just before the end of the war in Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture. So my name "Katsuhiko" means victorious man . When I was at High School, there were 3 Katsuhikos in one class.

My family was operating "hataya", which has manufactured Japanese Kimono. My family consisted of parents, nine brothers and sisters and a husband of my elder sister and their three children. There were about 13 to 15 female employees living in our house. That means there were about 30 people living together at my house.

So I was living with a lot of adults from my early childhood. But my father's business went bankrupt when I was at the first year of junior high school. When Japan has started to recover from the ruins of war and the life of the people was getting better, my family became as poor as what we had been at the end of the war.

During the summer vacation of 1962, I was given a chance to visit the United States under the Rotary Scholarship. I stayed at some Rotarians' homes in Los Angels. You can imagine what a great cultural shock a high school boy got, seeing wealthy American families. Until then, I have visited Tokyo only once on the school excursion.

Recently the United States has recovered its confidence but at that time it was far more confident in every field. President was John F. Kennedy. I felt sad about the poverty of Japan comparing with the riches of the United States. Wealth does not always bring happiness but poverty often makes life unhappy.

I was determined to study politics after I returned from the United States. Luckily enough, I could enter the University of Tokyo. I lived in a dormitory of the university, there were about 800 students in the dorm, and I became vice president of the dormitory very soon. For 6 years at the university, I have been engaged in student activities by assuming the leadership. So I was rather famous among the students since then.

I became an attorney at law in Tokyo. But I couldn't find much interest or ambition in legal professions and have spent a dull life. I then decided to pursue a career of politician and returned to my hometown when I was 30 years old, and started political activities. Everybody around me thought it was extremely difficult for me to achieve the goal since I had nothing. That means I had no jiban-foundations, kaban-money, or kanban-popularity. I was not successful at my first challenge but succeeded at the second time. I was elected a member of the House of Representatives in 1979, when I was 34 years old. It is already over 20 years since then.

During that time, I was elected six times for the Diet. While I had a seat in the Diet, I served as Parliamentary Vice-Minister for National Land, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Posts and Telecommunications, Chairman of Commerce and Industry Committee, Minister of Home Affairs and Chairman of National Public Safety Commission. As offices of LDP, I have served as Director of General Affairs Bureau, who is in charge of election strategy and planning and Director of Organization Policy Bureau who is in charge of actually conducting election activities. It is said that then Secretary General KATO and SHIRAKAWA have made the greatest contribution to the merit of the general election of 1996.

Now I would like to switch to Japanese.



  1. 自民党は正式名称を Liberal Democratic Party といいます。しかし、残念ながら自民党の実態は、 LiberalでもなければDemocraticでもないところがいっぱいある政党です。でも自由という名を使い民主と名乗る以上、少なくともLDPという名前に恥ずかしくない政党になる努力はしなければならないと私は考えました。

  2. しかし、1999年夏頃から小渕首相が公明党との連立を模索し、党内の異論を無視して公明党との連立を決めたとき、自民党はもはや自由民主党であることを止めた、すなわち自由主義政党であることを止めたと私は思いました。






  1. 私の危惧は、そのとおりになりました。公明党との連立をしたあたりから、自民党の中は急に自由な雰囲気が無くなり、党の運営も執行部の独裁が多くなり民主的でなくなりました。私は、それでも一日も早くこの間違った公明党との連立を解消すべきであると考え、仲間とともに「政教分離を貫く会」を作って反対しました。しかし、党内の良識的といわれてきた人も残念ながらほとんど協力してくれませんでした。公明党が持つといわれる票の前に節操もなく膝づいていきました。

  2. 私は創価学会=公明党の激しい攻撃や妨害のため、昨年6月の総選挙でわずかなところで落選をしました。でも、そんなことは私の個人的なことですからどうでもいいのです。自民党は私のいっていたとおり総選挙で惨敗しました。自由と民主主義がセールスポイントの自民党から自由と民主主義がなくなったのですから、選挙に負けるのは当然です。

  3. 準備を整えいよいよ行動に移そうとしたとき、加藤騒動が起きました。私は加藤氏の側近中の側近といわれてきました。加藤氏とは23年間政治行動をともにしてきました。しかし離党-新党の結成を考えていましたから、総選挙後はいっさい会いませんでした。私の行動が誤解されることと加藤氏に迷惑がかかると思ったからです。

  4. しかし、加藤騒動はみなさんがよくご存知のような結果に終わりました。いちばん大きな失望をし、加藤氏と日本のために悲しんだのはこの私だと思っています。もし私が議員として加藤氏の側にいたとしたら、決してあのような結果にさせていなかったはずです。仮に加藤氏の決起を成功させることができなかったとしても、最低限、私は加藤氏と二人だけでも本会議に出席し、不信任案に賛成票を投じていたでしょう。

  5. 私はふかい悲しみとおおきな失望に陥りました。加藤派が分断され、切り刻まれるのをみて、私は国会の中の自民党リベラル派は殲滅され死滅したという思いを持ちました。しかし、自民党にはまだ白川がいる、奴らなんかに殲滅されないぞ、という決意が私の中に新しく前よりもさらに大きく燃え上がってきました。

  6. 昨年の12月ころから、ふたたび自民党離党-新党結成に向けての準備にとりかかりました。そのころ、現在の日本の政治そして新しい政治の可能性を「リベラルこそ、21世紀の政治理念」という論文にまとめました。私のWebサイトにも英語版がのっていますので、どうぞご覧下さい。





  1. 結党宣言の第一段は、基本的な認識です。この中で、私は国民の大多数は「リベラルな政治」を求めているといってことです。自公保連立政権は、これと対立していると私は考えます。

  2. 第二段では、加藤騒動の結果、「自民党リベラル派は殲滅され、死滅した」と私は書きました。しかし、今年の夏に行われる参議院選挙によって国民は日本の政治を変えることができる、いや変えなければならないと私は訴えています。

  3. 第三段では、「この国は自らが担っているという気概をもって国づくり・地域づくりに積極的に参加している自立した国民」を「リベラル市民」と呼び、国民の大多数は「リベラル市民」だと私は考えています。私はこのようなリベラル市民とともに新しい政治を始めると訴えています。

  4. 第四段は、政策の骨子です。リベラルの政治理念に基づいて社会の変革をすることを宣言しています。自由を何よりも大切に考える立場から、公明党の政権参加にはつよく反対するとうたっています。




I would like to thank again for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to talk about my big challenge quite a long time.

Thank you very much for listening.




1. 新党は、他の野党とどのように違うのか?

2. フランスでは、選挙人名簿に男女同数ずつ搭載するよう義務付けることになったようだが、白川新党で同じようなやり方をするつもりはないか?

3. 聞き間違いでなければ、新党は比例区のみの立候補のようである。しかし、可能であれば、選挙区でも候補者を立てた方が、党の勢力拡大につながるのではないか。


Q & A at the Foreign Correspondent's Club

March 9, 2001

Q 1: What is the difference between the new party and the other oppositions?
A: "The objective of the new party is to oppose to the LDP, New Komeito and Conservative Party Coalition and to reduce the seats of LDP in the next Upper House Election. So it is not important to make a distinction from other parties but it is essential for the new party to play a role of adhesive to promote cooperation among opposition parties."

Q 2: In France, political parties are required to list male and female evenly on the list of candidates. Do you have such an idea in your new party?
A: "Quota system is not consistent with the idea of liberalism. If we could find good female candidates, I think it would be all right to list 7 female candidates out of 10 candidates. Or the number might be only one."

Q 3: If I heard correctly, the new party will put candidates only in proportional constituency. I think it is better to put candidates also in some local constituencies in order to strengthen the power of party.
A: "If opposition parties put many candidates in local constituencies, it would be advantageous to LDP. I think it is important to promote cooperation among oppositions in order to defeat LDP."

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